WHY Friday Nite Lite?We believe strongly in the fellowship and support of a church community. During our lives together we have strengthened ourselves, our marriage, and our family by serving others whenever possible. While we encourage commitment to all church activities and efforts, it is the time we have spent in a small group atmosphere that has had the greatest impact on our faith.
As members of this church community we want to help our brothers and sisters in Christ share and become closer to each other. This "lite" time of prayer, fellowship, and sharing is a way for everyone to come to the end of a long week in the world, and focus on each other in a spirit of relaxed relief. We hope you will enjoy your time with us as we laugh, share, and refocus ourselves to the task of worship to start our weekends off on the right foot! We plan to meet the 2nd and 4th Friday of each month and we hope you will join all of us! - Harvey & Jodi Basic Format of Our Evening Together:
6:30 to 7:00 Lite Dinner / Fellowship - Pizza (Split the cost among all Adults)
7:00 to 8:00 KIds (14 and below) - Downstairs with "Sitters" Sitters - Youth Group Volunteers (15 to 18) with Kids (Sitting Fee - $5.00 per kid payable to sitters after program) 7:00 to 7:30 Adults (18 and up) - "Lite" Bible Study / Brief Discussion 7:30 to 8:00 Adults (18 and up) - Breakout Sessions (Male/Female) A Time To Share How Everyone Is Doing, Fellowship, and Pray For Each Other! (This Is The BEST Part!) 8:00 to 8:15 Everyone - Closing Prayer and Cleanup Friday Night Lite Topic Schedule:
Starting on Friday, Febuary 13th, 2015 we will be starting a new series. You can join us any session without regard to missing some of it, but we would love to see you anytime!
"COMMUNITY: Starting Well In Your New Group", by Andy Stanley is an eight week series (CLICK HERE FOR ONLINE RESOURCES). We are excited to be back and hope to see everyone join us whenever possible! OTHER WEBSITES WE LIKE:
Random Acts Of Literacy (What A Cool Idea!)
Christ Covenant Church of Harlesville, Pennsylvania HumanKind Water (Awesome Program) |